Donald Trumps Utopia Stock
I am Phillip Lao the creator of the Utopia Stocks. The Utopia Stocks is based on our mission to create as much of a utopia on planet earth as possible. Donald Trump and Trump Team global are helping me as much as possible. Our long term agenda can off the following, no taxes, no state taxes, no federal taxes and no income taxes. W can accomplish this goal by simply installing more and more BRICS currency generators until every house hold and every business has a BRICS currency generator installed.
The Complete Energy System: The complete energy system is what drives the BRICS and USA currency generators. The complete Energy System hardens the grid while producing a positive cash flow for the state, the city and the FEDS. The complete energy system uses the water engine or a plasma generator to insure the grid is hardened and that it is producing a positive coin. The complete energy system converts water to cooking gas. This can be accomplished by converting water to hydrogen for cooking. The water can also be converted to HHO.
Universal Income: It is possible to generate a universal income from the overage of electricity generated from the Complete Energy System. The Univesal Income generator generates an sends out 30% ($1,000 per month) to the investor, 30% for state taxes ($1,000 per month) and ($1,000 per month) to the FEDS, 7% to the software developer and 3% to the inventor, me. This is all being done per house hold. The system adds up the income generated from each house hold and from each business and is sent to the state, the FEDS and to the investor. The system also adds up every commercial properties overage to be converted into BRICS currency that is sent to the state, the FEDS and to the investor monthly.
Trump Team Global Investors:Trump Team Global Investors are willing to invest $15 dollars for every $1 Dollars our investors put into this project. MY investors are private investors from the white house via Trump Team. You can invest into this project and purchase $1 dollar shares at Show me a copy of your receipt to receive your certificates.
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