Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Project SUNCOIN Puerto Rico Update 6/18/2024

   Welcome to Project SUNCOIN and Trumps Utopia for Puerto Rico-

Phillip Lao is the creator of Trump Team Global as well as Trump Stocks for the Elites and Trumps random stocks futures donations certificates. How do the Trumps donations certificates help Puerto Rico get solar panels at 70% discount? You must be a NCRR member to take advantage of Trumps Random donations stock futures. Phillip Lao AKA jplenterprises Lic-130309-0016 and JPLfinancial has issued $10 Billion dollars of Trump Stocks Donations Certificates for the Elites, such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Warren Buffet. You must call 1-800-606-1023 and ask for Richard Hudson and buy your membership for $25 minimum. The Elites that buy these stocks get 2 times the value in the stock vie REO properties that go to the investors portfolio as investment property for project SUNCOIN-The BRICS SUNCOIN generator pays the investor up to $1,000 per month via our BRICS Currency Generators, (Project SUNCOIN) $1,000 to the state per month, $1,000 to the FEDS per month, 7% to the Software company and 3% to the inventor, jplenterprises. The investors also get the properties as they are being acquired from failing states and from failing banks. We jplenteprises and jplfinancial will be installing the solar panels and the complete energy systems for these propertiesThere will be no fuel costs via the fuel less heating system and no electric bills via the complete energy system.  Trump and Trump Team may be giving away these commercial proper through out all of USA for Freight Farms Farming and Robotics Rehab Institute for farming and robotics education.

Trumps Stocks Futures Donations Certificates for the Elite

These Investors have donated and paid through our executives X links such as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jim Jordan, Mike Pompeo all of the executives on the NRCC list have no less the $100 Million dollars of Trump Stocks Futures for Project SUNCOIN-Trump's Utopia Stock Futures Donations Certificates. The Elites are buying out these Stocks via our links- Trumps X  Link is https://bit.ly/trumpsgoplink my links is https://bit.ly/my15xlink.

                                                  Trump Stocks for Puerto Rico Residents

               Puerto Rico Residents are Buying Trumps Random Donations Certificates as they buy solar panels at 70% discount. Those are Trumps Futures Donations Certificates valued at $1 dollar per share when these certificates clear SEC at $1 dollar. jplenterprises and jplfinancial.blogspot.com are issuing the stocks as you buy the panels. The stock certificates need a Puerto Rico stamp of $2 to be valid. 

From Phillip Lao 6/18/2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bill Gates and Freight Farms Robotics Rehabilitation Institute

Bill Gates and Freight Farms Robotics Rehabilitation Institute 

My name is Phillip Lao. I am the creator of Bill Gate and Freight Farms Robotics Rehabilitation Institute. Both Trump Team Global and Bill Gates will be working on Freight Farms Robotics, Rehabilitation institute designed for Immigrants. However, there are multiple versions. 

Immigrants Solutions:  There are multiple options of the Freight farms and robotics Rehab Institute.  Bill Gates has existing farms. We may use a few national guards for security as we move immigrants over to Bill Gates farms for rehabilitation. All of my solutions will include the BRICS currency generators as well as the complete energy system to insure we have electricity. Solar panels for electricity and water generators as power backups with the crisis and tax management meters. We can start bringing in immigrants right away from Biden hotels to our Freight Farms locations (Bill Gates farms) that will have both containers and robots that know how to farm. 

Freight Farms Robotics Rehabilitation: We are using real cyborg robots that can do the work without humans. Our cyborgs are doing most of the work. We don't need the humans. The immigrants are there for educational purposes. They will soon learn that the robots can out produce them. They are there to produce ten times what they eat. They are to lean accounting and keep track of profit and losses. Nothing is free. The Immigrants or rehabers are getting free food so they can get an education. The immigrants will soon learn that Bill Gates would be earning a profit without them. We also have robots for cooking, no salary.

Freight Farms Educational Facility: Both Bill Gates and Trump Team Global use the same educational system that includes up to collage graduate on the facility. everyone has a cell phone. Everyone will have access to a full education on the facility. Laptops are stationary at the facility. The same educational facility is used on the inner city version.

Freight Farms Inner Cities:  The Freight Farms inner city has the same educational facility an the same cyborg robots and cyborg cooks. Trump Team will be remodeling abandoned buildings into both chicken farms and lettuce and tomato production and more. The government will sponsor the cost from a JUVI perspective. The government may up the tab with this version. We will still have contracts with  fast food franchises such as Wendy's, Church and Burger King. 

Trump Team Global Investors are willing to invest $15 dollars for every $1 Dollars our investors put into this project. MY investors are private investors from the white house via Trump Team. You can invest into this project and purchase $1 dollar shares at https://bit.ly/my15xlink  Show me a copy of your receipt to receive your certificates.


Donald Trumps Utopia Stocks

Donald Trumps Utopia Stock

I am Phillip Lao the creator of the Utopia Stocks. The Utopia Stocks is based on our mission to create as much of a utopia on planet earth as possible. Donald Trump and Trump Team global are helping me as much as possible. Our long term agenda can off the following, no taxes, no state taxes, no federal taxes and no income taxes. W can accomplish this goal by simply installing more and more BRICS currency generators until every house hold and every business has a BRICS currency generator installed. 

The Complete Energy System:    The complete energy system is what drives the BRICS and USA currency generators. The complete Energy System hardens the grid while producing a positive cash flow for the state, the city and the FEDS. The complete energy system uses the water engine or a plasma generator to insure the grid is hardened and that it is producing a positive coin. The complete energy system converts water to cooking gas. This can be accomplished by converting water to hydrogen for cooking. The water can also be converted to HHO.

Universal Income: It is possible to generate a universal income from the overage of electricity generated from the Complete Energy System. The Univesal Income generator generates an sends out 30% ($1,000 per month) to the investor, 30% for state taxes ($1,000 per month) and ($1,000 per month) to the FEDS, 7% to the software developer and 3% to the inventor, me. This is all being done per house hold. The system adds up the income generated from each house hold and from each business and is sent to the state, the FEDS and to the investor.  The system also adds up every commercial properties overage to be converted into BRICS currency that is sent to the state, the FEDS and to the investor monthly. 

Trump Team Global Investors:Trump Team Global Investors are willing to invest $15 dollars for every $1 Dollars our investors put into this project. MY investors are private investors from the white house via Trump Team. You can invest into this project and purchase $1 dollar shares at https://bit.ly/my15xlink  Show me a copy of your receipt to receive your certificates.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Biden Toilet Paper Stocks-By Jplfinancial

                      About Biden Toilet Tissue Paper Stocks Donations Certificates

Biden Toilet Tissue paper socks are only available through Trump Team Leaders based on request.. These are Jplfinancial Futures Donations Certificates that will be issued based on demand at .50 Cents per share through Trump Team Leaders links only. I am the creator of Trump Stocks and Project SUNCOIN stocks- Trump Socks Futures Donations Certificate. My link pays 15 times what you donate into Trump Team. https://bit.ly/my15xlink.  The minimum purchase is $20. A $20 dollar Purchase of Biden Toilet Tissue Stocks will buy x15 equal $300 divided by .50 cents that buys you 600 Certificates or $300 of Biden Toilet Paper Donations Certificates

Biden Toilet Tissue Special Technology. There is a special technology to this toilet paper never used before. Each piece of toilet paper has his face embossed into the paper. Biden's photo is embossed on each piece of toilet tissue. This special embossed photo re-leaves the pain of your rectum after use. This commemorative Biden Toilet Tissue is only available through https://Jplfinancial.blogspot.com  Get $600 dollars of Biden Toilet Tissue stocks for $20 here. https://bit.ly/my15xlink.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How BRICCS Currency Generators Work

Phillip  Lao is the creator of the BRICCS currency generators as well as Trump Team Global and Trump Stocks Futures Donations Certificates.. I am handling everything in regards to other Trump Team Products such as the Complete Solutions to Covid, phillip.lao@giccllc.com. Today is 6/5/2024.

        Our Private investors at the white house are backing me up on all of my projects via our multiplier links. I have multiple investors as well as Trump and Trump Team. This is just one investor at https://bit.ly/my15xlink. We are using the Lenux software already put together from Merrill Lynch in fixed income. We re-engineered the software to generate USD coins from the overage of your solar panels. 

What is the electric currency overage?  The currency overage is what is available over and above what you residential or commercial property needs to run. That overage is used by the CRISIS and tax management meters and converted into USD and BRICCS currency. 

What are CRISIS and Tax management meters?   These CRISIS and tax management meters manage and convert the electric overage into USD and BRICCS currency and can turn on the water or plasma generators when the batteries or solar panels are not supplying electric overage. 

What happens when the GRID goes down?  The CRISIS and tax management meters turn on the water generators or plasma generators to supply energy to the GRID and to the location to insure positive coins.

 What are the benefits to the investors?  The real estate taxes and the State taxes for that property or each individual property is being paid monthly as well as the investor in both BRICCS and or USD dollars that can be used monthly for purchases.

What is the payout for each property?   30% goes to the FEDS ( Treasury Direct ) that pays towards your federal taxes,  30% towards your real estate taxes, 30% to the investor, 7% to SUNMICRO and 3% to Phillip Lao the inventor.

How does SUNCOIN leverages the BRICCS currency for the international markets? The currency software will payout the investor 30% monthly onto his debit card.  He is paid out in USD dollars. However, the investor has $55 stored up in BRICCS in his back office that he can borrow from. The state as well as the FEDS are paid in BRICCS $55 to $1 USD dollar to be used for international purchases. SUNCOIN should never go out of business because of this $55 to $1 multiplier.