Thursday, February 29, 2024


        Attn: Trump Team and Speaker Mike Johnson


  Project Over Match:   I am helping Trump Team because I understand just about everything concerning Obamas reptilian alliance and their plan of complete dominance. You are all being overwhelmed. Mark Zuckerberg is working with the agencies to kill cell phones of political opponents. They killed the battery of 8 cell phones and 3 laptops. Everything I am proposing in this document is being done with private funds through the sale of Trump Stock Futures Donations Certificates.

Ten Billion $ In Trump Stock:   The first batch of twelve billion dollars of Trump stock is to raise money for both Trump and Trump Team.  We are raising this money from private investors and city and states that want to participate in the new SUNCOIN technology. Other countries will want this technology. Please go to for updates. The first ten billion dollars is to help Trump Team gain momentum against Biden’s corrupt team with the cartels, Black CIA and the Tri-Lateral commission. The Tri-Lateral commission is working the Media. We can use AI to mass produce Truth videos.   

Elon Musk To chip In $1 Billion Dollars:   I asked Elon Musk to chip in $1 billion dollars. I received the first request directly from law enforcement for the bullet proof Mercedes Benz. The $40 million dollar request came to my email. I requested for Mercedes to create a bullet proof SUV for the FBI. Elon purchased Mercedes based on my first order of $200 million at an 80% discount if we use Itea coins.

Why Buy Trump Stock?   We have the complete solutions to Covid with no Side effects through   We can pay countries that do projects for us through SUNCOIN with USA dollars. SUNCOIN has an anti-corruption component. Everyone benefits with SUNCOIN technology.  I am the designer of the entire project from the complete energy system to the SUNCOIN software with SUN Micro. Sun Micro is the developer of the fixed income software for Merrill Lynch. I am the designer of the crisis and tax management meters.

How does each State and city Benefit with SUNCOIN?   Each state and or city can use strategy with the city manager in placing these SUNCOIN systems in abandoned buildings. Real estate investors get 30%. The city gets 30% and the feds get 30% to treasury direct.  We, Trump team and Trump stock owns everything. The plasma generators are from David and Phillip at GEET international. GEET is 95% less carbon and can run on URIN. GEET plasma generators will kick in if and when the batteries go below 60%. The plasma generators insure a positive into the grid. The average house hold will receive approximately $500 per month divided between investor (Home Owner) City, state and Federal.   

From Phillip Lao                                                                    2/29/2024

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