Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Trump Team Global Universal Income Properties


                                                    Trumps Universal Income Properties

Trump Team Global Universal Income Properties are only available via Trump Team Associates and via the NRCC. You must be an NRCC gold member or above. You can order the minimum of $100 or Trump Stocks Donations Certificates here at https://bit.ly/my15xlink. You can also call direct at 888-606-1023. All Trump team senators have X matching links from private investors. These private investors pay up to 70% of your solar kit and more with the Elite Trump Stocks Futures Donations Certificates. We buy REO real estate for the investors that add up to twice their investment. A purchase of $100 Million dollars of Trump Stocks Futures Donations Certificates will yield over $200 Million in Universal income properties. Elon Musk has already purchased over $200 Million dollars of Trump Stocks for Project SUNCOIN.  The actual Trump Stock Futures Donations Certificate for Elon Musk will be available soon.